CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Services
On April 1, 2014 India became the first country to legally mandate Corporate Social Responsibility. Under section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, and rules added thereafter applicable companies need to spend 2% of their average net profit on CSR activities. These activities must be other than your normal course of business and not for the welfare of your employees, must be for general benefit of society in various ways defined under the law.
It certainly adds to the reputation of the company and builds socially stronger image of the Brand. Many a times it has been seen that employees also come forward in contributing by spending their time for the execution of welfare activities, it gives them inner satisfaction and pride of doing good deeds in life. This fulfillment of inner urge may help in strengthening their bond with the company and help in building a strong product brand as well as employer brand which eventually result into strengthening our talent pool.
We provide complete consultancy on CSR
- Proposing relevant projects for the company.
- Adopting communities, villages, education institutes, and ITIs.
- Aligning organization planning with Government schemes etc.
- Specific details can be discussed on call.